Matched by Ally Condie

matchedMatched is a page-turning, dystopian story, written with the soul of a poet. Finally, a brave new world that readers from Twilight to the Hunger Games will claim as their own” – Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl, authors of Beautiful Creatures

Like romance novels? Read Matched by Ally Condie! Cassia Reyes lives in the Society (her town) which is pretty much ruled by the Officials. The Officials are people in the Society who decide who you love, where you work, when you die…they basically control everyone and make all of your decisions for you. Sounds like fun. Cassia can’t wait until her 17th birthday, where she and other kids her age will see who the Officials have chosen as their mates. At the official ceremony, where matches are revealed on a huge video screen, Cassia sees her best friend Xander and she is sure that the Officials have made the perfect choice.

So what’s the problem? Later, at home, when Cassia is again watching her match video, before the screen fades black, she sees another boy’s face instead of Xander’s. It’s the face of Ky Markham, another boy from Cassia’s neighborhood. Cassia tries to shake it off as mistake by the Officials, but then begins to wonder who her true match really is. Things get even more complicated as Cassia is now mysteriously drawn to Ky and her feelings for him start to grow. They are thrown together at every turn and the Officials are taking notice. And Ky knows things about their so-called perfect Society – as secrets are shared and the Officials threaten Cassia and her family, what will she do?

This book was great! It’s exciting and suspenseful…the little pills at the end and when the officials came to search for hidden artifacts, I loved those parts! Ky was such a mysterious character and really grew and developed as the story line went on. The ending left me hanging for more and I hope Ally Condie is writing a sequel! A definite read, and, if you like this one, you’ll LOVE Delirium by Lauren Oliver.

Gayathry S., EMS Blogger

For more info on Ally Condie…


2 thoughts on “Matched by Ally Condie

  1. Tori Amundarain says:

    I loved this book so much! I really loved how suspenceful it is when she sees Ky’s face on her matched screen. I could’t believe it! Cassia knew the officials rarley make mistakes and she was determined to find out what was going on. I totally agree with you by the way you say, “Things get even more complicated as Cassia is now mysteriously drawn to Ky and her feelings for him start to grow.” Their relationship becomes stonger as the book moved on and I couldn’t put it down for a second. My favorite part was the red pill part too! I hope anyone one that reads this will love it as much as I did and I hope you never forget it!


  2. Eliza h says:

    This book was so good! My favorite part was when cassia had the mix up with her card. It was so dramatic . This has been my favorite book so far this year.


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